November 22, 2010


上司指著我剛買來的龜苓膏問:What is this?
我回答:Turtle jelly.
上司輕微嚇了一下:Oh my gosh!
隨即又指著同事剛從武漢買回來的手信問:And what is that? Duck tongue?
我忍不住笑了出來,盤算著他知道答案後的反應:No, duck neck.
上司再次被嚇,皺著眉頭說:Oh, they're getting lower and lower!!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA!!! You really scared him with the turtle jelly comment LOL

    版主回覆:(11/22/2010 01:31:31 AM)

    what a coincidence, i was browsing your blog when you left this comment.

    before i depart for my biz trip, my boss said:
    have a nice trip, and remember not to eat too much. you know every time you go to mainland china, the number of fish drops sharply!!!
